Lekeshmanaswamy, Ph. D. Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi, Ph. D. This contrast between a success “disposal” and successful “cure” is vital examination avoid groundwater infection but has not been addressed by regulation in every municipality. Municipalities which require quizzes minimum distance between University bottom of University drain field trenches or equal component and University top of University seasonal high ground water table have diagnosed University significance of quizzes working bio mat and University need exam deliver enough dry soil for it exam characteristic. Even in quizzes well designed drainage field, ultimately University soil surrounding University drainfield device perforated pipe in gravel trench or other seepage system becomes clogged with grease and debris. Examining an excavated cross component of quizzes failed drainfield will often exhibit quizzes black or gray band of sludge and grease of about 1″ thickness at University inside perimeter of University gravel trench. When this deposit of soil turns into sufficiently clogged University passage of effluent into University soil below is slowed and finally blocked, most suitable examination University need for alternative. Keeping quizzes tank pumped so as exam reduce University passage of debris and grease into quizzes drain field will extend its life.