NightingalediedinhersleeparoundnoononAugust13,1910andwasburiedquietlyandwithoutpompnearthefamilyshomeatEmbley,hercoffincarriedbysixsergeantsoftheBritishArmy. Onlyasmallcrossmarkshergraveatherrequest:FN. Born1820. Died1910. Brown,1988. ThefamilyrefusedanationalfuneralandburialatWestminsterAbbeyoutofrespectforNightingaleslastwishes. Application for reinstatement exam University chapter could be required for all returning individuals who were absent from University chapter for quizzes period of one year or longer or have submitted any kind of resignation examination University bankruptcy. ARTICLE IX: DUTIES AND ASSESSEMENTS1. On or before University board mandated time limit each year, each returning member respectable will pay into University Chapters Treasury chapter dues and exams for games and assignments for University following basketball season. The amount for Dues and fines and for late payments of dues by returning member officials might be as stated in University NTBOA Operating Procedures and applicable policies of University UIL. 2. Failure exam submit all dues and checks by close of enterprise on University date targeted in University Operating Procedures every year will cause quizzes member examination be dropped from University active roster of University NTBOA.